Jun 8, 2010

Who's your hero?

You guessed it. Tomorrow is another Ugandan public holiday. Last week, mid-week we celebrated the martyrs who fought for Christianity in Uganda. Tomorrow we celebrate Heroes' Day, to honor those who have fought to restore peace in Uganda.

What this means for me? Another reason for people to not return my emails or my phone calls or schedule meetings with me. At the same, I did forget all about the United State's version of Heroes' Day last week, so perhaps I will join in the celebrations as a way to celebrate a peaceful Uganda and United States, and honor those who fought and lost their lives in the name of peace in both countries and around the world.

(It also means I get a day to sleep, do pilates, eat fruit and chapatti, and sleep some more...)

Happy Heroes' Day!


  1. Love a good nap. You get to celebrate heroes and martyrs. Monday is the Queen's Birthday. Kind of the same thing right?

  2. P.S. - It's not her real birthday. Look it up.
